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PTA News 10th March 2023
Dates, dates and more dates…
Visit our website and check out our splendid Silent Auction. Thank you to everyone that has
donated items and experiences, there are a fabulous variety of ‘lots’ to bid for. Go to: Topsham
School PTA (
Friday 24th March
Of course, you have this date in your diary already! Have you booked a table for the 80’s and 90’s
themed quiz night? For more information about how to book tickets, you’ve guessed it – visit our
Friday 31st March
To end the term in style, there will be a Year 1 Bake Sale on the last day of term. Early Easter
treats anyone?
Friday 21st April
We are planning to hold a pre-loved uniform sale on the first Friday of the Summer Term. We
hope that this will give you all a chance to purchase some summer uniform. If you have any
uniform that you would like to donate, we will be taking in items just before Easter.
Promoting our events
We would really appreciate your help to promote our Silent Auction and Quiz night to our wider
community. These events are for everyone to get involved with. So, if you are able to pop a like
or a share on social media, or advertise to a local group we would be so grateful.